Here is another free march for concert band. The following is the first page of the score:
    As with all other compositions on this site, the music is released into the public domain for noncommercial use. It can be freely copied and performed provided the music remains unchanged and the composer is duly acknowledged.
    You can download the music here. There are two files -  and parts. and  .



    This section contains music written for concert or wind band, by which is meant a performing ensemble comprising the usual members of the woodwind and brass instrument families, together with various percussion instruments. 

    All scores have been released into the public domain for non-commercial use. They can be freely printed and photocopied provided the music remains unchanged and the composer is duly acknowledged. Commercial use, including the sale of sheet music or professional recordings, is prohibited without the permission of the composer.

    Composers who accept these conditions are invited to submit works to us for possible inclusion on this website. Please submit your music in PDF form, and include an MP3 recording for evaluation.

    Visitors are welcome to take a look at anything they find interesting. However, only registered members can download the scores. The same is true of all recordings (mostly mp3 files) throughout the site, including those available in the focus section.

    You can register as a member from the home page.



    Woodwind instruments do not have as much in common with each other as brass instruments do.  In fact, there is so much design variation that it is even difficult to come up with an acceptable definition of what woodwind instruments actually are.  Virtually every common denominator has an important exception.  As a result, it is not easy to make generalizations about such matters as embouchure formation, intonation problems or technical difficulties that are relevant for all woodwind instruments.  Fortunately, there are some natural subcategories (single versus double reed instruments, for example) around which the bulk of the discussion can be organized.  At this level at least, common characteristics can be more easily identified and potential problems addressed. 

    This, then, is the approach I have taken here.  As in the case of the section on brass fundamentals, the emphasis is on basic principles and design issues, and how these affect the way woodwind players actually make music.



    Here is a free march scored for full concert band. The following are the first 10 bars in condensed score format (written in concert pitch) to give you some idea of the music. The level of difficulty is about grade 4.


    Peter's March

    You can download the music here. There are two files: Peter's Conductor's scores

     and various parts

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